
Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

5 Gauges for Health – (part 2)

January 3, 2012 1 comment

Many times when we think of New Years Resolutions it includes some aspect of getting our bodies healthy.  Whether it is starting a new diet or beginning to exercise these are important when it comes to our PHYSICAL HEALTH. This is the second thing that I evaluate as I reflect on the past year and make goals for the new year.

Now I am not saying that God has created all of us to be athletes, but He has created us to be physical.  Each of us has a need for some type of physical activity to remain healthy.

I don’t know about you but I have heard and seen more health club/ infomercials about working out more in the last month than any other time of the year.  It’s because health clubs understand that people will make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight or start working out!  Sometimes it takes a New Year to realize we are out of shape.  But understand that God has created each of us with physical needs and we need to take care of our bodies!  Look what the Bible says,

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NLT)

By getting enough sleep and simply exercising at least 12 minutes a day with an increased heart rate, you will experience a Physical change.  You begin to feel better, you think better thoughts about yourself, and you become healthier.  Will you take some time to think through these questions to see how you are doing in this area.

Click here to take survey

Now that you have thought through and/or thinking about your Physical Health, I encourage you to take some time to write down some goals to work towards in 2012.

My Physical Health Goals for 2012

1. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night

2. Develop a “Me Time” to work out and build my schedule around it

3. Start a food journal to evaluate what I eat

5 Gauges for Health – (part 1)

January 2, 2012 Leave a comment

Over the next couple of days I am going to share with you 5 things I always look at as I head into a new year and evaluate as I look back on the past year. I hope that you will find this helpful as you take on 2012. The first gauge I look at as I begin to evaluate the past year and look forward to the  new year is my own SPIRITUAL HEALTH!

Believe it or not but God has given each of us spiritual needs. We have all been hardwired by God to know the Creator of the Universe, God Himself. Now please understand that many people say that they are spiritual. However,  many of them are simply trying to fill a God sized hole by religious acts or good works, and it is leaving them feeling empty instead. (I’ve been here have you?) This happens when we try to fill this void with anything other than Jesus Christ. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, we try and try and try until we give up saying it’s impossible.   Jesus Christ is the only thing that can and will fill this void or God size hole that you have been created with. When we resolve to know Christ as Lord and Savior, by confessing & repenting of our sin and putting our faith in His life, death, and resurrection, The Bible says that we become new,

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Now, like any relationship, for it to be a healthy relationship it requires quality time, strong commitment, and open and consistent communication. Your relationship with Christ is the same way.

When we understand our Spiritual Needs, we will begin to have a better understanding of all of the other needs we have  as well. Why, because we are going to understand more about how and why we were created! Look what the Bible says,

“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation.” 1 Peter 2:2 (NLT)

So, in 2012, will you resolve to be spiritually healthy? Here are some questions that will allow you to see how well you are doing in this area.

Click here to take survey

Now that you have thought through and/or thinking about your Spiritual Health, I encourage you to take some time to write down some goals to work towards in 2012.

My Spiritual Health Goals for 2012

1. Develop a Deeper Prayer Life by keeping a prayer journal

2. Work through all of the MasterLife workbooks

3. Memorize Scripture

4. Lead by being with Jesus not just doing the things of Jesus.

Jackson Update – 12.13.11

December 13, 2011 3 comments

Many of you have been asking how our youngest son Jackson has been doing.  I have tried to keep everyone in the know through twitter … but, 140 characters can only keep you so informed. So here is whats been happening over the last 4 months.

In March my family and I moved from Texas back to Missouri where I serve as the Community Pastor at First Baptist Church Harvester.  With Jackson seizures we knew we needed a good Neurologist that could take on the care that he received in Texas.  We found a great Neurologist and started to see him in June.

On August 8th, Jackson had two back-to-back seizure within an hour.  This had never happened before so he was taken to the hospital via ambulance. He was released after a couple of hours with an anti-seizure prescription and appointment with our Neurologist.

When meeting with our Neuro, He recommended putting Jackson on a new medication since his currents ones were at pretty high levels.  We began that process mid August and were seizure free till November as we made the transition from Depakote to Lamictal leaving his dose of Keppra the same.

On Monday, November 7th, Jackson had three seizures within an hour.  On his third seizure we called the ambulance as each seizure seemed to intensify.  He was given an anti-seizure medication and watched for a couple of hours.  We were released with a 3 day anti-seizure prescription (a form of Valium) and instructed to call our neurologist.

The very next day, Jackson had two seizures and a third one in the ambulance outside the house.  This was 6 seizures in a 24 hour period.  After the third seizure had stopped, the Ambulance took Jackson to Children’s STL where our Neurologist and team of Dr. could make sure nothing else was going on.  Jackson was admitted and kept on a pretty high dose of clonazepam for 24 hours and then a lower dose the next day.  We were released on that Thursday after spending 2 nights there for monitoring, with instructions to increase his new medication and a 3 day prescription of clonazepam.

I wish I could say it stopped there but, it didn’t.  Early the Friday morning after Thanksgiving, Jackson had a seizure while he was sleeping.  Thankfully it was just one seizure this time but it was a seizure none the less. Our neurologist made a final increase to his medication to get him at the level that he wanted him to be on in hopes that Jackson would have less seizures. However, that has not been our experience with this new medication yet.

In the last week, Jackson has had 7 seizures.  We believe be had one this morning while he was watching TV because of the way he is sleeping as I type this post. His Neurologist has made another adjustment and  increased his medication again.  From what we are told, it takes about 4 days for any changes in medication to take full effect.  Jackson is on a very low dose of this new medication and has room to be increased on it quiet a bit. We are prayerful that this is just a transition in medicine that will eventually, once we have the right levels and dosage, have better long-term results and allow Jackson to not have seizures.

Please continue to pray for Jackson.  We believe God has a great plan for him and us through this journey and we are trusting Him even when we have more questions right now than answers.

Categories: Family, Health, Prayer Tags: , ,

Jackson Update

April 26, 2009 Leave a comment

Well the blog has been quiet for the last couple of days due to Jackson having another seizure.  This one was scary in the sense that he stopped breathing and started changing colors.  Because of this, we called 911 and the ambulance arrived 5 minutes later.  This was much different from the 20 minute wait we had the last time we called 911 in November.  They loaded Jackson up for the Hospital and after a short stay at Centennials ER, we were released with a prescription for Bronchitis and instructions to control his fever.

However, I have to say that we were really disappointed with the nurse that we had.  This was the second time we have had her and both times we feel like we get poor care.  Not that we are needy, but come on, at least a smile and show some friendliness.  This  isn’t to much to ask for is it?  Or, how about turning off our beeping monitor.  I don’t understand why they have it hooked up if when it goes off no-one even seems to check it!   I know they heard it, we were right outside the nurses station.  Anyhow, sorry for the rant, it only got worse later.

We were released at 1:00 am on Friday morning with no new answers.  I had to ask the nurse to take his temperature before we left because Stephanie and I both thought Jackson felt warm.   His temperature was normal and she said we could offset giving him Tylenol and Motrin  every 2 hours.  So we gave him a dose of Tylenol in the car on the way home.

When we got home his fever had gone back up to 101.4.  We knew we were in the danger zone but could only wait it out until we could give him a dose of Motrin at 2:45ish.  Well, we didn’t make it that far.  Jackson had another seizure exactly like the first one that evening.  This time we didn’t call 911.  We waited out the seizure and I called Centennial to tell them what had just happen.  As I was telling the lady on the phone I asked if we should come back in and she told me that she can’t make that decision for us or recommend that either. Basically she couldn’t give us any advice.   She informed me that the doctor we had seen had already gone hoe for the night, and if we chose to come back in the new doctor would have to reevaluate him.  I was shocked, mad, and disappointed that this is all the help they would offer.

So,we choose to stay home and watch Jackson like a hawk.  In a short time we got his fever under control and then tried to get as much sleep as we could.  Later Friday morning Jackson saw our Neurologist who has now given us liquid Valium to give him if he starts getting a fever.  Everything seemed to be going  good, until this morning.

As I was teaching during our MS Service, Jackson’s pager went off.  Stephanie ran from the Student Center to Son City all to find that Jackson had a little fever.  As a dad, I was stuck.  I didn’t know what was going on with Jackson, and was in the middle of the talk.  Needless to say my heart went to my stomach immediately.  We stopped what we were doing, payed for Jackson and tried to continue with the lesson.  I figured if it was serious someone would be coming soon to get me.  About 5 minutes later I got a thumbs up from one of our volunteers who had gone down to check on the situation while I was teaching.  Thankfully it was not an emergency!  But definitely a day and weekend I will never forget.

I personally want to thank all the people that have loved on us, encouraged us, and prayer for us.  We are so blessed to have each of you in our life and thank God daily for you.  Every time we look at Jackson, we see the power of prayer, and we are reminded of how much people care and are willing to invest in out little family.  So with that, I say thank you!!!!

Jackson Update #8 from Home

February 6, 2009 Leave a comment

Jackson is doing much better.  He is still congested and coughs but is now eating and playing like normal.  Stephanie and I are still uneasy at night when it’s time for bed.  Jackson coughs more and has a hard time spitting it out or swallowing the mucus. (I know that’s gross) However, I do believe we have made the turn to recovery.

On another note, our neurologist has increased is medication.  We are in the process of switching from depakote to keppra.  Stephanie and I feel that the levels of these 2 meds were too low and that’s why he had a seizure on Saturday.  Hopefully we will get those levels balanced and not have as many seizures.  That’s the whole point of switching medication.  Please pray with us in this direction.

Thanks so much for the prayers and taking this journey with us.  I will keep you posted if things get worse!

Jackson Update #7 from Home

February 5, 2009 Leave a comment

We are glad to be home with Jackson, but I must admit last night I was questioning whether we made the right decision to come home or not.  Jackson is really congested.  He now has mucus in his nose that has to be suctioned several times throughout the day.  He has been so couped up for the last couple of days that he runs around the house like a wild man even though you can tell he doesn’t feel good.  I couldn’t imagine trying to contain or entertain him like this in the Hospital.

We had a scare last night when he got a little choked up from the mucus right before we were going to bed.  He tried to cough it out but couldn’t.  I think he swallowed most of it, you could tell he was scared by the look on his face.  The good news is after that, the night went pretty good.  In fact, Jackson is still sleeping now, praise Jesus.

We will keep you posted on how he is doing.  I am hoping today is a turning point like Tuesday was.  Thanks again for all the prayers and support you have shown us and Jackson!

Jackson Update #6 from HOME!

February 4, 2009 Leave a comment

We are home!!!!  But . . . Not out of the dark.  Jackson has RSV and is really congested.  The doctors told us we could stay another night, and they would watch him and suction his nose, or we could suction his nose at home on our own.  Since he didn’t need O2 or an IV anymore and because he was taking fluids, we were free to make the decision.  So here we are, at home doing the thing he hates, sucking the snot out of his nose.  Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery!!!

Stephanie and I are excited to sleep in our own bed tonight but I’m sure we will be sleeping with one eye open to make sure Jackson is okay!

Jackson Update #5 Childrens Medical Dallas

February 4, 2009 Leave a comment

Jackson had a better day yesterday and a good night last night.  They have taken him off of his O2 and IV and he hasn’t had a fever since late yesterday morning either! So the countdown is on for our release.  He is drinking well but not eating solids to well, so I don’t know if that will keep us here or not.  So we are praying that he eats so we can go home!!!!

Stephanie and I have conquered the pull out chair we are shutting our eyes on.  It’s not really sleep since we wake up with Jackson and nurses several times a night.

Our Healer

February 3, 2009 1 comment

I know the writer of this song faked his illness, but this song ministers to my heart every time I hear it.  It really has become an anthem that I sing, to myself, every time Jackson gets sick.  The words are so powerful and expresses so much of the things we feel and pray for Jackson.  But it reminds us of where our hope and healing lies!!!

Jackson Update #4 from Childrens Medical Dallas

February 3, 2009 2 comments

We made it through the night after a scary beginning.  Jackson fever spiked to 103 at about 8:30 and took awhile to come down.  Early this morning the nurse put him on an IV drip because he didn’t eat or drink much yesterday or last night.  The good news (drum role please) is his fever has finally dropped!!!  Our goal today is for him to take in fluids on his own so he doesn’t need the IV, and to get off of the Oxygen by maintaining a good level!

Right now he is sleeping.  Seems to be sleeping ok but everything is still hooked up to him.  We will have to wait and see how he responds without those things.  We are still waiting on the swab test they took yesterday to see if he picked up a virus.

Stephanie and I are very tired!  Personally, I feel like I have been hit by a bus, a big bus at that.  We are trying to get sleep when Jackson sleeps at night.  Last night I think everyone got about 5-6 hours since Jackson slept for that long without waking up.  Lucky for us Stephanie’s mom came to town and is watching Josiah.

Thanks for all the prayers and please continue to pray for us!