
Posts Tagged ‘Emotional Health’

5 Gauges for Health – (part 4)

January 5, 2012 Leave a comment

We all have the need to feel love, accepted, valued, encouraged, and the list goes on.  God has created us with emotions!  We can be happy, or sad, confident or afraid.  However, each of us have certain emotional needs that need to be met and if they are not met, we begin to feel alone, isolated and depressed.  They can cause us to cut, and/or even become suicidal.  Our Emotional need’s play a huge factor in who we are and who we become.  When we understand that we were created as emotional beings by an emotional God and learn to be with Him, we can become emotionally healthy. Scripture says,

 “A glad heart makes a happy face, a broken heart crushes the spirit.” Psalm 15:13 (NLT)

Emotional Health is sometimes ignored. But if we aren’t careful it can do serious damage.  As we enter a New Year will you take some steps to become/remain Emotionally Healthy? Here are some questions that I use to help me see how healthy I am in this area.

Click here to take survey

Now that you have thought through and/or thinking about your Emotional Health, I encourage you to take some time to write down some goals to work towards in 2012.

My Emotional Health Goals for 2012

1. Confide in a trusted friend and talk though the day-to-day things

2. Get at least 6 hours of sleep each night

3. Let God do the things that only he can do and not try to do them also.